Thursday, September 3, 2015

Make life an adventure

   14. Adopt a dog from the pound.
   36. Go to Ireland.
   70. Go a day without technology.
   113. Make an important decision with a coin toss.

   These are just a few of the items on my Bucket List, I add to it every so often hoping it grow to a big list. I may only have two things crossed off but I am planning on crossing of many more in 2016. I have so many simple ones such as having breakfast in bed and plant a tree, I also have many that require planning, money and time like having fish and chips in London and start a business.

   Even the simplest things like, going to a circus, would be one more story I would have to tell. Some of the simplest things in life just get over looked, planting a tree and having jury duty (yes, that is on my bucket list). I want to include the silliest things and know I have experienced it! Some of these I could learn and do right now, but just haven't. I want to learn how to build a fire, use a chainsaw, milk a cow, donate money to a dog rescue, or sleep on the beach. These little moments to look back on would be just a sliver of great memories!

   I add a few dollars to my "Travel the World" jar and dream of going to Germany, London, Ireland and crossing the border to Canada to get some maple syrup. Although not everything requires leaving the US, I still have places like Vegas, San Fransisco, and the Grand Canyon. I want to explore and see how other countries are, and do things that will make me remember the place. I want to pick up maple syrup in Canada, because of the maple leaf on their flag, and who else thinks fish and chips are a staple in London? Of course I would check out the sites and explore the cities, but I want these small memories for me to look back on.

   I have been to San Fransisco, but that was long ago and I didn't know what was there to go and see. I want to see the famous Full House houses, the houses that plays in the opening while they are eating lunch in a park. Full house was and still is one of my favorite shows. To go and see a part of my childhood, the iconic part in those opening credits! I would be brought back to sitting and watching singing along and crushing on uncle Jesse, "have mercy!". As much as I'd like to be brought back to my childhood there are a few things the adult in me would like to see. Alcatraz, a old prison on an island in the bay, rumored to be haunted! Walking around the rusted bars and paint chipped walks would be a great history lesson for me. Walking across the Golden Gate bridge, learning in the museums and aquarium, open my eyes to so many new things close to home.

   As much as I'd love to travel I have many more things on my list that involve me just staying home. Enjoying my own backyard and town, like sleeping on the beach, carving my name into a tree, and making my own beer.  Even something I can do right from my computer, donate money to a dog rescue or get a degree from an online college. From small goals to large life changing goals, they will all get met, whether its next week or the year 2020.

    Taking the time to accomplish all of these maybe be a long road, but why not take it? Getting stuck doing the same thing over and over isn't what life is meant for.  Life is meant to be an adventure, so I want to make it one. Face fears, take chances, try new things, revisit and plan new trips.

These are MyWhiskeyDreams, watch them become Reality.